Training in neurology is available as early as the medical school years. Weill Cornell Medical College students take a required course and clerkship; electives are also available for fourth-year medical students interested in a career in neurology. In all cases, students have the opportunity to learn about neurology from the world's leading experts, enabling them to start forging collegial bonds early in their medical careers.
Programs for medical students include:
Brain and Behavior Unit
The 11-week Brain and Mind course for second-year medical students offers comprehensive instruction in basic neuroscience, gross anatomy of the head and neck, neurological diagnosis, and psychopathology. This integrated course is taught by more than 100 faculty members from many different departments at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Neurology Clerkship
The Neurology Clerkship is a required four-week clinical rotation for third-year medical students. A wide range of topics is covered, ranging from functional neuroanatomy and evaluation of neurologic symptoms to specific neurologic disorders and palliative care. Students also learn vital skills in the practice of neurology as well as how to communicate effectively with patients, families, and colleagues. Students have opportunities to collaborate with clinicians and researchers in the field of neurology.
Neurology Student Electives
Neurology electives are available for fourth-year medical students interested in learning more about clinical practice and research in the field. Examples of electives include Clinical Outpatient Neurology, Subinternship in Clinical Neurology, a Virtual Elective for URIM Scholars, and Research in Neurobiology.