The Department of Neurology holds regularly scheduled teaching conferences at Weill Cornell Medical Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). The following are scheduled conferences and educational activities:
- Rounds are conducted daily at each hospital by our academic neurologists.
- Morning report is held four days per week at Weill Cornell and three days per week at MSK with the residents, fellows, clinical faculty, and senior leadership to review fresh educational cases from our inpatient, consultation, and clinic services. Residents present vignettes followed by relevant data from neuroimaging and neurophysiology studies.
- Professor's Rounds are frequently conducted by senior faculty including our chair Dr. Fink.
- Weekly Grand Rounds are conducted at NewYork-Presbyterian. Weill Cornell Medicine faculty and major national and international figures in neurology provide a varied program of clinical and basic science presentations in neurology and neuroscience.
- Noon lecture curriculum is scheduled from Monday to Friday each week and is based on each of the American Academy of Neurology’s Continuum issues. Lectures are conducted by academic neurologists at Weill Cornell Medical Center and MSKCC.
- Senior residents present review lectures at the end of each lecture month.
- Biweekly neuromuscular conference, where a resident is selected to obtain a history and examine a patient and discuss the localization, differential diagnosis, and plan.
- Weekly neurophysiology conference reviews the basics of EEG, EMG, and evoked potentials, and a clinical neurophysiologist reviews the interesting EEGs from the week.
- Bimonthly neuroradiology, pediatric neurology, neuropathology, vascular neurology, neuroimmunology, neuro-ophthalmology, and neuroscience conferences round out the syllabus.
- A resident-directed and organized, interactive journal club that enables graduate staff to review the scientific basis of neurology and the latest publications in the literature.
- Clinicopathologic conferences, which are multidisciplinary conferences featuring an expert clinical neurologist, neuroradiologist, and neuropathologist, who are presented with a challenging case and are tasked with arriving at the correct diagnosis.
- Weekly “Neuroweek” email blasts led by our chief residents featuring highlighted clinical vignettes, neurological literature, and clinical pearls to assist residents in reinforcing teaching points, as well as RITE and board exam preparation.
The medical library maintains a large number of computers for literature searches and offers formal courses in information search and retrieval as well as informal instruction year-round. Residents have unrestricted access to the Library, which includes the 150,000-volume, 1,600-journal Samuel J. Wood Library, and the C.V. Starr Biomedical Information Center. Residents may also use The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Medical Library in The Nathan Cummings Center and The Rockefeller University Library. The Neurology Department's own library has a full complement of neurology texts and journals. Residents may access this library 24/7.