Resident Publications


Callaway CCM, Ch'ang JH.  2025.  Traumatic Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 29(1):6.
Diaz P, Nealon NE, Kaunzner UW.  2025.  Pain and Headache in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 29(1):39.


Kaleem S, Harris WT, Oh S, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Current Challenges in Neurocritical Care: A Narrative Review.. World Neurosurg. 193:285-295.
Parasram M, Loiseau SY, Subramaniam T, Dangayach NS, Sarwal A, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Critical Care Ultrasound use Among Providers in Neurocritical Units: A National Survey.. Neurocrit Care.
Harris W, Kaiser JH, Liao V, Avadhani R, Iadecola C, Falcone GJ, Sheth KN, Qureshi AI, Goldstein JN, Awad IA et al..  2024.  Association Between Hematoma Volume and Risk of Subsequent Ischemic Stroke: A MISTIE III and ATACH-2 Analysis.. Stroke.
Dicpinigaitis AJ, Seitz A, Berkin J, Al-Mufti F, Kamel H, Navi BBenjamin, Pawar A, White H, Liberman AL.  2024.  Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Stroke During Hospitalization for Delivery in the United States.. Stroke.
Diaz PG, Zolin AR, Tsiouris AJ, Mir S.  2024.  Palatal Myoclonus Due to Cortical Cavernous Malformation.. Neurology. 102(7):e209278.
Parasram M, Loiseau SY, Yoo AS, Stone JB, Ch'ang JH, Robbins MS.  2024.  A Resident-Created Multiple-Choice Question of the Week to Augment Case-Based Learning. Neurology Education. 3
Mears J, Kaleem S, Panchamia R, Kamel H, Tam C, Thalappillil R, Murthy S, Merkler AE, Zhang C, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Leveraging the Capabilities of AI: Novice Neurology-Trained Operators Performing Cardiac POCUS in Patients with Acute Brain Injury.. Neurocrit Care.
Sarva H, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Rivera F, Gonzalez CDaniel, Barkan S, Tripathi S, Gatto E, Ruiz PGarcia.  2024.  The role of genetics in the treatment of dystonia with deep brain stimulation: Systematic review and Meta-analysis.. J Neurol Sci. 459:122970.
Wechsler PM, Pandya A, Parikh NS, Razzak JA, White H, Navi BB, Kamel H, Liberman AL.  2024.  Cost-Effectiveness of Increased Use of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After High-Risk Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke.. J Am Heart Assoc. :e032808.
Michaelson NMiriam, Langan D, Kaunzner U.  2024.  FLAIR-Hyperintense Lesions in Anti-MOG-Associated Encephalitis With Seizures (FLAMES).. Neurohospitalist. 14(2):222-223.
Feldman AM, Safdieh JE, Kass JS, Nascimento FA.  2024.  A Guide for Aspiring Neurology Educators.. Ann Neurol.
Ishak A, Kamel H, Kaiser JH, Liao V, Rotblat J, Pawar A, Lappin R, Razzak J, White H, Ng C et al..  2024.  Rates of Acute Brain Injury Among Severely Hypertensive Patients Seen in the Emergency Department. The Neurohospitalist. 14(4)
Michaelson NM, Rúa SH, Kaunzner UW, Marcille M, Pliska-Bloch I, Markowitz K, Nguyen TD, Gauthier SA.  2024.  Impact of paramagnetic rim lesions on disability and race in multiple sclerosis: mediation analysis.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Zelikovich AS, Kaleem S, Kocharian G, Tata N, Seitz A, Merkler AE.  2024.  Teaching NeuroImage: Hemorrhagic Arachnoid Cyst.. Neurology. 103(9):e209931.
Seitz A, Dicpinigaitis AJ, Zhang C, Miller EC, Navi BB, Liberman AL.  2024.  Ischemic events are infrequent in patients with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 34(1):108031.
Feldman A, Weaver J.  2024.  Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain.. Semin Neurol.


Wechsler PM, Liberman AL, Restifo D, Abramson EL, Navi BB, Kamel H, Parikh NS.  2023.  Cost-Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation Interventions in Patients With Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack.. Stroke.
Tozlu C, Olafson E, Jamison KW, Demmon E, Kaunzner U, Marcille M, Zinger N, Michaelson N, Safi N, Nguyen T et al..  2023.  The sequence of regional structural disconnectivity due to multiple sclerosis lesions.. Brain Commun. 5(6):fcad332.
Lovibond S, Gewirtz AN, Pasquini L, Krebs S, Graham MS.  2023.  The promise of metabolic imaging in diffuse midline glioma.. Neoplasia. 39:100896.
Scholtz LC, Rosenberg J, Robbins MS, Wong T, Mints G, Kaplan A, Leung D, Kamel H, Ch'ang JH.  2023.  Ultrasonography in neurology: A comprehensive analysis and review.. J Neuroimaging.
Witsch J, Roh D, Oh S, Iadecola C, Diaz-Arrastia R, Kasner SE, Mayer SA, Murthy SB.  2023.  Association Between Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Outcomes in the FAST Trial.. Stroke.
Kaleem S, Zhang C, Gusdon AM, Oh S, Merkler AE, Avadhani R, Awad I, Hanley DF, Kamel H, Ziai WC et al..  2023.  Association Between Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and 30-Day Infection and Thrombotic Outcomes After Intraventricular Hemorrhage: A CLEAR III Analysis.. Neurocrit Care.
Dominguez M, Minen M, Robbins MS.  2023.  Educational initiatives in headache medicine: A 20-year scoping review.. Headache.
Parikh NS, Basu E, Hwang MJi, Rosenblatt R, VanWagner LB, Lim HI, Murthy SB, Kamel H.  2023.  Management of Stroke in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease: A Practical Review.. Stroke.
Simonetto M, Sheth KN, Ziai WC, Iadecola C, Zhang C, Murthy SB.  2023.  Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Risk of Ischemic Stroke After Nontraumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage.. Stroke.
Wechsler PM, Navi BB.  2023.  Bypassing Closest Stroke Center for Intracerebral Hemorrhage-Not So Fast!. JAMA Neurol.
Janocko NJ, Seitz A, Tsiouris AJ, Lappin RI, Navi BB.  2023.  Tissue-Based Thrombolysis for Wake-Up Stroke With Basilar Artery Occlusion: A Case Report.. Neurohospitalist. 13(1):86-89.
Garton ALA, Oh SE, Müller A, Avadhani R, Zhang C, Merkler AE, Awad I, Hanley D, Kamel H, Ziai WC et al..  2023.  Catheter Tract Hemorrhages and Intracerebral Hemorrhage Outcomes in the Clot Lysis: Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intraventricular Hemorrhage Trial.. Neurosurgery.
Witsch J, Rutrick SB, Lansdale KN, Seitz A, Kamel H, Parikh NS, Segal AZ, Mir SA, Murthy SB, Niogi SN et al..  2023.  Influenza-Like Illness as a Short-Term Risk Factor for Arterial Dissection.. Stroke.
Michaelson NMiriam, Watsula A, Bakare-Okpala A, Mohamadpour M, Chukwueke UN, Budhu JA.  2023.  Disparities in Neuro-Oncology.. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep.
Zolin A, Broner SW, Yoo A, Guan I, Lakhani S, Trabilsy M, Klebanoff L, Vo M, Sarva H.  2023.  Dystonia phenomenology and treatment response in migraine.. Headache. 63(2):255-263.
Zolin A, Zhang C, Ooi H, Sarva H, Kamel H, Parikh NS.  2023.  Association of liver fibrosis with cognitive decline in Parkinson's disease.. J Clin Neurosci. 119:10-16.
Seitz A, Parauda SC, Omran SSalehi, Schweitzer AD, Liberman AL, Murthy SB, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Iadecola C, Kamel H et al..  2023.  Long-term risk of seizure after posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Friedman SA, Robbins MS.  2023.  Millions of Migraine Attacks, Many Answers, More Questions.. Neurology.


Simonetto M, Wechsler PM, Merkler AE.  2022.  Stroke Treatment in the Era of COVID-19: a Review.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. :1-17.
Parasram M, Arevalo-Perez J.  2022.  Cerebral toxoplasmosis in a patient with multiple myeloma.. Surg Neurol Int. 13:191.
Hoang HEthan, Robinson-Papp J, Mu L, Thakur KT, Gofshteyn JSarah, Kim C, Ssonko V, Dugue R, Harrigan E, Glassberg B et al..  2022.  Determining an infectious or autoimmune etiology in encephalitis.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Gao V, Briano JA, Komer L, Burré J.  2022.  Functional and pathological effects of α-synuclein on synaptic SNARE complexes.. J Mol Biol. :167714.
Parauda SC, Zhang C, Omran SSalehi, Schweitzer AD, Murthy SB, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Parikh NS.  2022.  Risk of Stroke After Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome.. Stroke. :101161STROKEAHA122038673.
Simonetto M, Rutrick S, LeMoss NM, Lansdale KN, Tagawa ST, Kamel H, Parikh N, Navi BB.  2022.  Adherence to Guideline-Recommended Cancer Screening in Stroke Survivors: A Nationwide Analysis.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 31(3):106297.
Michaelson NM, Ch'ang JH.  2022.  The Power of Our Words.. Acad Med.
Tripathi S, Malhotra A, Qazi M, Chou J, Wang F, Barkan S, Hellmers N, Henchcliffe C, Sarva H.  2022.  Clinical Review of Smartphone Applications in Parkinson Disease.. Neurologist.
Parasram M, Roytman M, Lee A, Ivanidze J.  2022.  Posterior cortical atrophy.. J Osteopath Med.
Bruce SS, Navi BB, Zhang C, Kim J, Devereux RB, Schenck EJ, Sedrakyan A, Diaz I, Kamel H.  2022.  Transesophageal echocardiography and risk of respiratory failure in patients who had ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack: an IDEAL phase 4 study.. BMJ Surg Interv Health Technol. 4(1):e000116.
Parasram M, Loiseau SY.  2022.  Cerebral microhemorrhages in severe COVID-19 pneumonia.. Surg Neurol Int. 13:380.
Kahan J, Ong H, Ch'ang J, Merkler AE, Fink ME, Gupta A, Kamel H, Murthy SB.  2022.  Comparing hematoma characteristics in primary intracerebral hemorrhage versus intracerebral hemorrhage caused by structural vascular lesions.. J Clin Neurosci. 99:5-9.
Friedman SA, Masters-Israilov A, Robbins MS.  2022.  Secondary Headache Disorders: Approach, Workup, and Special Considerations for Select Populations.. Semin Neurol.
Michaelson NMiriam, Schiff ND, Bernat JL.  2022.  Fred Plum (1924-2010).. J Neurol.
Azary S, Caravanos C, Reiner AS, Panageas KS, Dhawan V, Avila EK.  2022.  Incidence of Seizure and Associated Risk Factors in Patients in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) from 2016-2017.. J Intensive Care Med. :8850666211066080.
De Michele M, Kahan J, Berto I, Schiavo OG, Iacobucci M, Toni D, Merkler AE.  2022.  Cerebrovascular Complications of COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccination.. Circ Res. 130(8):1187-1203.
Michaelson NMiriam, Malhotra A, J Chazen L, Weaver J.  2022.  Rare presentation of spontaneously occurring intravertebral lumbar pseudomeningocele.. Acta Neurol Belg.


Gewirtz AN, Gao V, Parauda SC, Robbins MS.  2021.  Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(3):19.
Niotis K, Saif N, Simonetto M, Wu X, Yan P, Lakis JP, Ariza IEstrada, Buckholz AP, Sharma N, Fink ME et al..  2021.  Feasibility of a Wearable Biosensor Device to Characterize Exercise and Sleep in Neurology Residents.. Expert Rev Med Devices.
Dominguez M, Malani R.  2021.  Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks After Radiation Therapy (SMART) Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(5):33.
Parikh NS, Parasram M, White H, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2021.  Smoking Cessation in Stroke Survivors in the United States: A Nationwide Analysis.. Stroke. :STROKEAHA121036941.
Han CYoung, Tarr AM, Gewirtz AN, Kaunzner UW, Roy-Burman P, Cutler TS, MacGowan DJl.  2021.  Brachial plexopathy as a complication of COVID-19.. BMJ Case Rep. 14(3)
Michaelson NMiriam, Lam T, Malhotra A, Schiff ND, MacGowan DJames Lysa.  2021.  Miller Fisher Syndrome Presenting After a Second Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccination in a Patient With Resolved COVID-19: A Case Report.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 23(2):113-115.
Michaelson NMiriam, Schweitzer AD, J Chazen L, Robbins MS.  2021.  Online Resources to Boost Radiological Skills Among Trainees.. J Grad Med Educ. 13(1):22-25.
Bobker SM, Safdieh JE.  2021.  Approach to Headache.. Semin Neurol. 41(6):633-643.
Bruce SS, Kahan J, Huq T, Santillan A, Navi BB, Merkler AE, Parikh NS, Mir S, Schweitzer AD, Segal AZ.  2021.  Missed cerebrovascular events during prolonged sedation for COVID-19 pneumonia.. J Clin Neurosci. 86:180-183.
Malhotra A, Weaver J.  2021.  Approach to Neuropathic Pain.. Semin Neurol. 41(6):744-759.
Burke DJ, Seitz A, Aladesuru O, Robbins MS, Ch'ang JH.  2021.  Bruxism in Acute Neurologic Illness.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(6):41.
Michaelson N, Malhotra A, Wang Z, Heier L, Tanji K, Wolfe S, Gupta A, MacGowan D.  2021.  Peripheral neurological complications during COVID-19: A single center experience.. J Neurol Sci. 434:120118.
Kahan J, Gibson CJ, Strauss SB, Bronstein M, Winchell RJ, Barie PS, Segal AZ.  2021.  Cervical spinal cord infarction associated with coronavirus infectious disease (COVID)-19.. J Clin Neurosci. 87:89-91.
Parasram M, Malhotra A, Yoo AS, Mir SA.  2021.  HaNDL Syndrome Presenting with Thunderclap Headache.. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2021:9925004.
Harpe JM, Safdieh JE, Broner S, Strong G, Robbins MS.  2021.  The development of a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee in a neurology department and residency program.. J Neurol Sci. 428:117572.
Parasram M, Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Ch'ang JH, Navi BB, Kamel H, Zhang C, Murthy SB.  2021.  Long-Term Risk of Ischemic Stroke among Elderly Survivors of Non-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.. Cerebrovasc Dis. :1-6.
Kang Y, Pandya S, Zinger N, Michaelson N, Gauthier SA.  2021.  Longitudinal change in TSPO PET imaging in progressive multiple sclerosis.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Michaelson NMiriam, Aaroe AElimar, Lewis SL, Safdieh JE.  2021.  Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Becoming an Editor-in-Chief.. Neurology.
Tripathi S, Michaelson NM, Segal A.  2021.  Persistent seropositivity in oophorectomy-resistant anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.. BMJ Case Rep. 14(9)
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Grieving Through the Process.. Acad Psychiatry.
Ch'ang JH, Ford J, Cifrese L, Woodward E, Mears J, Lowrie R, Holland C, Kaplan A, Zhang C, Guterman EL.  2021.  Preparing Neurology Residents and Advanced Practice Providers for the COVID-19 ICU-A Neurocritical Care Led Intervention.. Neurohospitalist. 11(4):342-347.
Engelhard SB, Bruce SS, Chwalisz BK, Dinkin MJ.  2021.  Why They Took the Oath: A Spotlight on Resident Sacrifice During the Pandemic.. J Neuroophthalmol. 41(1):1-5.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Happy Birthday, Dear Patient.. Acad Psychiatry.


Bruce SS, Merkler AE, Bassi M, Chen ML, Omran SSalehi, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2020.  Differences in Diagnostic Evaluation in Women and Men After Acute Ischemic Stroke.. J Am Heart Assoc. 9(5):e015625.
Merkler AE, Parikh NS, Mir S, Gupta A, Kamel H, Lin E, Lantos J, Schenck EJ, Goyal P, Bruce SS et al..  2020.  Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vs Patients With Influenza.. JAMA Neurol.
Saif N, Niotis K, Dominguez M, Hodes JF, Woodbury M, Amini Y, Sadek G, Scheyer O, Caesar E, Hristov H et al..  2020.  Education Research: Online Alzheimer education for high school and college students: A randomized controlled trial.. Neurology. 95(16):e2305-e2313.
Parasram M, J Chazen L, Sarva H.  2020.  Primary familial brain calcification.. J Am Osteopath Assoc.
Parauda SC, Gao V, Gewirtz AN, Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Lantos J, White H, Leifer D, Navi BB, Segal AZ.  2020.  Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in patients with COVID-19.. J Neurol Sci. 416:117019.
Bobker SM, Robbins MS.  2020.  COVID-19 and Headache: A Primer for Trainees.. Headache.
Sadek G, Santillan A, Gandy C, Safi N, Segal AZ.  2020.  Cilioretinal artery occlusion in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis post-splenectomy.. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 196:105992.
Malhotra A, Latov N.  2020.  Relapsing Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis After Autologous Stem Cell Transplant.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 21(4):225-229.
Melmed K, Chen ML, Al-Kawaz M, Kirsch HL, Bauerschmidt A, Kamel H.  2020.  Use and Removal of Inferior Vena Cava Filters in Patients With Acute Brain Injury.. Neurohospitalist. 10(3):188-192.
Dinkin M, Gao V, Kahan J, Bobker S, Simonetto M, Wechsler P, Harpe J, Greer C, Mints G, Salama G et al..  2020.  COVID-19 presenting with ophthalmoparesis from cranial nerve palsy.. Neurology.
Cai A, Malhotra A, Kondo M, Lantos JE, Dinkin MJ, Sarva H.  2020.  VZV Presenting as Orbital Apex Disorder in an Immunocompetent Young Man: Neuromuscular Image.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 22(1):42-49.
Saif N, Berkowitz C, Tripathi S, Scheyer O, Caesar E, Hristov H, Hackett K, Rahman A, Knowlton N, Sadek G et al..  2020.  Effectiveness of online education for recruitment to an Alzheimer's disease prevention clinical trial.. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 6(1):e12006.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2020.  Learning the Basics of Medicine.. Acad Med.
Murthy SB, Wu X, Diaz I, Parasram M, Parikh NS, Iadecola C, Merkler AE, Falcone GJ, Brown S, Biffi A et al..  2020.  Non-Traumatic Subdural Hemorrhage and Risk of Arterial Ischemic Events.. Stroke. 51(5):1464-1469.
Kahan J, Sundararajan S, Brown K, Dinkin M, Oliveira C, Patsalides A.  2020.  Predicting the need for retreatment in venous sinus stenting for idiopathic intracranial hypertension.. J Neurointerv Surg.
Ehntholt MS, Parasram M, Mir SA, Lerario MP.  2020.  Mobile Stroke Units: Bringing Treatment to the Patient.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 22(2):5.


Perlstein MD, Gupta S, Ma X, Rong LQ, Askin G, White RS.  2019.  Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Readmissions and Disparities of Socioeconomic Status: A Multistate Analysis, 2007-2014.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 33(10):2737-2745.
Patsalides A, Oliveira C, Wilcox J, Brown K, Grover K, Gobin YPierre, Dinkin MJ.  2019.  Venous sinus stenting lowers the intracranial pressure in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension.. J Neurointerv Surg. 11(2):175-178.
Isaacson RS, Hristov H, Saif N, Hackett K, Hendrix S, Melendez J, Safdieh J, Fink M, Thambisetty M, Sadek G et al..  2019.  Individualized clinical management of patients at risk for Alzheimer's dementia.. Alzheimers Dement. 15(12):1588-1602.
Buchman SL, Merkler AE.  2019.  Basilar Artery Occlusion: Diagnosis and Acute Treatment.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 21(10):45.
Al-Kawaz M, Kamel H, Murthy SB, Merkler AE.  2019.  Association of Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.. J Am Heart Assoc. 8(18):e013456.
Kummer BR, Diaz I, Wu X, Aaroe AE, Chen ML, Iadecola C, Kamel H, Navi BB.  2019.  Associations between cerebrovascular risk factors and parkinson disease.. Ann Neurol. 86(4):572-581.
Parasram M, Segal AZ.  2019.  Sleep Disorders and Stroke: Does Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Decrease Risk of Ischemic Stroke? Curr Treat Options Neurol. 21(7):29.
Chatterjee A, Merkler AE, Murthy SB, Burch JE, Chen ML, Gialdini G, Kamel H, Ballman KV, Navi BB.  2019.  Temporal Trends in the Use of Acute Recanalization Therapies for Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cancer.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 28(8):2255-2261.
Weaver J, Sarva H, Barone D, Bobker S, Bushara K, Hiller A, Ishii M, Jankovic J, Lakhani S, Niotis K et al..  2019.  McLeod syndrome: Five new pedigrees with novel mutations.. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 64:293-299.
Mahta A, Merkler AE, Reznik ME, Burch JE, Yaghi S, Sellke FW, Furie KL, Kamel H.  2019.  Emphysema: A Potential Risk Factor for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm. Stroke. 50(4):992-994.
Yalcin N, Chen S-P, Yu ES, Liu T-T, Yen J-C, Atalay YB, Qin T, Celik F, van den Maagdenberg AMjm, Moskowitz MA et al..  2019.  Caffeine does not affect susceptibility to cortical spreading depolarization in mice.. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 39(4):740-750.
Andersen BM, Miranda C, Hatzoglou V, DeAngelis LM, Miller AM.  2019.  Leptomeningeal metastases in glioma: The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center experience.. Neurology. 92(21):e2483-e2491.
Aaroe AE, Nevel KS.  2019.  Central Nervous System Involvement of Natural Killer and T Cell Neoplasms.. Curr Oncol Rep. 21(5):40.
Sandrone S, Berthaud JV, Chuquilin M, Cios J, Ghosh P, Gottlieb-Smith RJ, Kushlaf H, Mantri S, Masangkay N, Menkes DL et al..  2019.  Neurologic and neuroscience education: Mitigating neurophobia to mentor health care providers.. Neurology. 92(4):174-179.


Pillai RLI, Malhotra A, Rupert DD, Weschler B, Williams JC, Zhang M, Yang J, J Mann J, Oquendo MA, Parsey RV et al..  2018.  Relations between cortical thickness, serotonin 1A receptor binding, and structural connectivity: A multimodal imaging study.. Hum Brain Mapp. 39(2):1043-1055.
Safdieh JE, Quick AD, Korb PJ, Torres-Russotto D, Gable KL, Rock M, Cahill C, Soni M.  2018.  A dozen years of evolution of neurology clerkships in the United States: Looking up.. Neurology. 91(15):e1440-e1447.
Omran SSalehi, Boddu SReddy, Gusdon AM, Kummer B, Baradaran H, Patel P, Diaz I, Navi BB, Gupta A, Kamel H et al..  2018.  Angiographic Blush after Mechanical Thrombectomy is Associated with Hemorrhagic Transformation of Ischemic Stroke.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 27(11):3124-3130.
Salas RMarie E, Strowd RE, Ali I, Soni M, Schneider L, Safdieh J, Vaughn BV, Avidan AY, Jeffery JB, Gamaldo CE.  2018.  Incorporating sleep medicine content into medical school through neuroscience core curricula.. Neurology. 91(13):597-610.
Chen MLin, Gupta A, Chatterjee A, Khazanova D, Dou E, Patel H, Gialdini G, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2018.  Association Between Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and Downstream Stroke.. Stroke. 49(9):2029-2033.
Robbins MS, Rosen NL.  2018.  Headache Interest in Academic Neurology Leadership: A Cross-Sectional Study.. Headache. 58(1):102-108.
Sequeira AJ, Buchman S, Lewis A, Karceski S.  2018.  Future development of a depot antiepileptic drug: What are the ethical implications? Epilepsy Behav. 85:183-187.
Wilcox JA, Ramakrishna R, Magge R.  2018.  Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma.. World Neurosurg. 116:518-528.
Noch EK.  2018.  Til Neglect Do Us Part.. JAMA Neurol. 75(7):785-786.
Noch EK, Ramakrishna R, Magge R.  2018.  Challenges in the Treatment of Glioblastoma: Multisystem Mechanisms of Therapeutic Resistance.. World Neurosurg. 116:505-517.
Nevel KS, Wilcox JA, Robell LJ, Umemura Y.  2018.  The Utility of Liquid Biopsy in Central Nervous System Malignancies.. Curr Oncol Rep. 20(8):60.
Miranda C, Mahta A, Wheeler LAdam, A Tsiouris J, Kamel H.  2018.  Tension pneumocephalus mimicking septic shock: a case report.. Radiol Case Rep. 13(1):241-243.
Al-Kawaz M, Omran SS, Parikh NS, Elkind MSV, Soliman EZ, Kamel H.  2018.  Comparative Risks of Ischemic Stroke in Atrial Flutter versus Atrial Fibrillation.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 27(4):839-844.
Noch E, Henchcliffe C, Hellmers N, Chu MLynn, Pappas J, Moran E, Alcaraz W, Sarva H.  2018.  Kufor-Rakeb Syndrome Due to a Novel ATP13A2 Mutation in 2 Chinese-American Brothers.. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 5(1):92-95.
Azary S, Schreiner T, Graves J, Waldman A, Belman A, Guttman BWeinstock, Aaen G, Tillema J-M, Mar S, Hart J et al..  2018.  Contribution of dietary intake to relapse rate in early paediatric multiple sclerosis.. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 89(1):28-33.
Brady E, Parikh NS, Navi BB, Gupta A, Schweitzer AD.  2018.  The imaging spectrum of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: A pictorial review.. Clin Imaging. 47:80-89.


Murthy SB, Merkler AE, Omran SSalehi, Gialdini G, Gusdon A, Hartley B, Roh D, Mangat HS, Iadecola C, Navi BB et al..  2017.  Outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage from arteriovenous malformations.. Neurology. 88(20):1882-1888.
Kaunzner UW, Al-Kawaz M, Gauthier SA.  2017.  Defining Disease Activity and Response to Therapy in MS.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 19(5):20.
Schweitzer AD, Parikh NS, Askin G, Nemade A, Lyo J, Karimi S, Knobel A, Navi BB, Young RJ, Gupta A.  2017.  Imaging characteristics associated with clinical outcomes in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.. Neuroradiology. 59(4):379-386.
Al-Kawaz M, Monohan E, Morris E, Perumal JS, Nealon N, Vartanian T, Gauthier SA.  2017.  Differential Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Cortical and Deep Gray Matter Structures in African Americans and Caucasian Americans.. J Neuroimaging. 27(3):333-338.
Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Schneider Y, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2017.  Discharge Disposition After Stroke in Patients With Liver Disease.. Stroke. 48(2):476-478.
Parikh NS, Schweitzer AD, Young RJ, Giambrone AE, Lyo J, Karimi S, Knobel A, Gupta A, Navi BB.  2017.  Corticosteroid therapy and severity of vasogenic edema in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.. J Neurol Sci. 380:11-15.
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