Resident Publications


Callaway CCM, Ch'ang JH.  2025.  Traumatic Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 29(1):6.





Gewirtz AN, Gao V, Parauda SC, Robbins MS.  2021.  Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(3):19.
Bobker SM, Safdieh JE.  2021.  Approach to Headache.. Semin Neurol. 41(6):633-643.
Malhotra A, Weaver J.  2021.  Approach to Neuropathic Pain.. Semin Neurol. 41(6):744-759.
Burke DJ, Seitz A, Aladesuru O, Robbins MS, Ch'ang JH.  2021.  Bruxism in Acute Neurologic Illness.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(6):41.
Parasram M, Malhotra A, Yoo AS, Mir SA.  2021.  HaNDL Syndrome Presenting with Thunderclap Headache.. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2021:9925004.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Grieving Through the Process.. Acad Psychiatry.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Happy Birthday, Dear Patient.. Acad Psychiatry.



Buchman SL, Merkler AE.  2019.  Basilar Artery Occlusion: Diagnosis and Acute Treatment.. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 21(10):45.


Wilcox JA, Ramakrishna R, Magge R.  2018.  Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma.. World Neurosurg. 116:518-528.
Noch EK.  2018.  Til Neglect Do Us Part.. JAMA Neurol. 75(7):785-786.


Broner SW, Bobker S, Klebanoff L.  2017.  Migraine in Women.. Semin Neurol. 37(6):601-610.


Noch EK.  2016.  Right Brain: Home is where the heart is.. Neurology. 87(24):e288-e289.

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