Effectiveness of online education for recruitment to an Alzheimer's disease prevention clinical trial.

TitleEffectiveness of online education for recruitment to an Alzheimer's disease prevention clinical trial.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSaif N, Berkowitz C, Tripathi S, Scheyer O, Caesar E, Hristov H, Hackett K, Rahman A, Knowlton N, Sadek G, Lee P, McInnis M, Isaacson RS
JournalAlzheimers Dement (N Y)
Date Published2020

Introduction: Low awareness of Alzheimer's disease (AD) clinical trials is a recruitment barrier. To assess whether online education may affect screening rates for AD prevention clinical trials, we conducted an initial prospective cohort study (n = 10,450) and subsequent randomized study (n = 351) using an online digital tool: AlzU.org.

Methods: A total of 10,450 participants were enrolled in an initial cohort study and asked to complete a six-lesson course on AlzU.org, as well as a baseline and 6-month follow-up questionnaire. Participants were stratified into three groups based on lesson completion at 6 months: group 1 (zero to one lesson completed), group 2 (two to four lessons), and group 3 (five or more lessons). For the subsequent randomized-controlled trial (RCT), 351 new participants were enrolled in a six-lesson course (n = 180) versus a time-neutral control (n = 171). Screening and enrollment in the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic AD (A4) clinical trial were reported via the 6-month questionnaire and are the primary outcomes.

Results: 3.9% of group 1, 5% of group 2, and 8.4% of group 3 screened for the A4 trial. Significant differences were found among the groups ( < 0.001). Post hoc analyses showed differences in A4 screening rates between groups 1 and 3 ( < 0.001) and groups 2 and 3 ( = 0.0194). There were no differences in enrollment among the three groups. 2.78% of the intervention group screened for A4 compared to 0% of controls ( = 0.0611).

Discussion: Online education via the AlzU.org digital tool may serve as an effective strategy to supplement clinical trial recruitment.

Alternate JournalAlzheimers Dement (N Y)
PubMed ID32211509
PubMed Central IDPMC7085257
Grant ListP01 AG026572 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR002384 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States

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