Spectral Content of Electroencephalographic Burst-Suppression Patterns May Reflect Neuronal Recovery in Comatose Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients.

TitleSpectral Content of Electroencephalographic Burst-Suppression Patterns May Reflect Neuronal Recovery in Comatose Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSekar K, Schiff ND, Labar D, Forgacs PB
JournalJ Clin Neurophysiol
Date Published2019 Mar
KeywordsAged, Brain, Coma, Electroencephalography, Female, Heart Arrest, Humans, Hypothermia, Induced, Male, Middle Aged, Neuroprotection, Patient Discharge, Prognosis, Recovery of Function, Retrospective Studies

PURPOSE: To assess the potential biologic significance of variations in burst-suppression patterns (BSPs) after cardiac arrest in relation to recovery of consciousness. In the context of recent theoretical models of BSP, bursting frequency may be representative of underlying network dynamics; discontinuous activation of membrane potential during impaired cellular energetics may promote neuronal rescue.

METHODS: We reviewed a database of 73 comatose post-cardiac arrest patients who underwent therapeutic hypothermia to assess for the presence of BSP and clinical outcomes. In a subsample of patients with BSP (n = 14), spectral content of burst and suppression periods were quantified using multitaper method.

RESULTS: Burst-suppression pattern was seen in 45/73 (61%) patients. Comparable numbers of patients with (31.1%) and without (35.7%) BSP regained consciousness by the time of hospital discharge. In addition, in two unique cases, BSP initially resolved and then spontaneously reemerged after completion of therapeutic hypothermia and cessation of sedative medications. Both patients recovered consciousness. Spectral analysis of bursts in all patients regaining consciousness (n = 6) showed a prominent theta frequency (5-7 Hz) feature, but not in age-matched patients with induced BSP who did not recover consciousness (n = 8).

CONCLUSIONS: The prognostic implications of BSP after hypoxic brain injury may vary based on the intrinsic properties of the underlying brain state itself. The presence of theta activity within bursts may index potential viability of neuronal networks underlying recovery of consciousness; emergence of spontaneous BSP in some cases may indicate an innate neuroprotective mechanism. This study highlights the need for better characterization of various BSP patterns after cardiac arrest.

Alternate JournalJ Clin Neurophysiol
PubMed ID30422916
PubMed Central IDPMC6399070
Grant ListK23 NS096222 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD051912 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
UL1 TR000043 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States

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