MRI in the assessment and monitoring of multiple sclerosis: an update on best practice.

TitleMRI in the assessment and monitoring of multiple sclerosis: an update on best practice.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKaunzner UW, Gauthier SA
JournalTher Adv Neurol Disord
Date Published2017 Jun

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has developed into the most important tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis (MS). Its high sensitivity for the evaluation of inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes in the brain and spinal cord has made it the most commonly used technique for the evaluation of patients with MS. Moreover, MRI has become a powerful tool for treatment monitoring, safety assessment as well as for the prognostication of disease progression. Clinically, the use of MRI has increased in the past couple decades as a result of improved technology and increased availability that now extends well beyond academic centers. Consequently, there are numerous studies supporting the role of MRI in the management of patients with MS. The aim of this review is to summarize the latest insights into the utility of MRI in MS.

Alternate JournalTher Adv Neurol Disord
PubMed ID28607577
PubMed Central IDPMC5453402

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