Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Becoming an Editor-in-Chief.

TitleEmerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Becoming an Editor-in-Chief.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMichaelson NMiriam, Aaroe AElimar, Lewis SL, Safdieh JE
Date Published2021 Aug 10

An Editor-in-Chief leads the editorial team and supervises the daily tasks required to prepare articles for publication, while at the same time managing the overall content and style of the journal. To become Editor-in-Chief, one must have dedicated work ethic, close attention to detail, passion for the editorial process, and a keen ability to work with and give feedback to section editors and authors. For this article, we interviewed Dr. Steven L. Lewis, Dr. Joseph E. Safdieh, and Dr. S. Andrew Josephson about their collective experience of becoming Editors-in-Chief of Continuum, Neurology Today, and JAMA Neurology, respectively. We have compiled tips for aspiring medical writers and editors, based on their expert advice, to guide trainees in this potential career path.

Alternate JournalNeurology
PubMed ID34376514

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