Development and validation of the Alzheimer's prevention beliefs measure in a multi-ethnic cohort-a behavioral theory approach.

TitleDevelopment and validation of the Alzheimer's prevention beliefs measure in a multi-ethnic cohort-a behavioral theory approach.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSeifan A, Ganzer CA, Vermeylen F, Parry S, Zhu J, Lyons A, Isaacson R, Kim S
JournalJ Public Health (Oxf)
Date Published2017 12 01
KeywordsAdolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Alzheimer Disease, Cohort Studies, Community-Based Participatory Research, Ethnic Groups, Female, Health Behavior, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Humans, Linear Models, Male, Middle Aged, Principal Component Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Reduction Behavior, Self Report, Surveys and Questionnaires, Young Adult

Background: Understanding health beliefs and how they influence willingness will enable the development of targeted curricula that maximize public engagement in Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk reduction behaviors.

Methods: Literature on behavioral theory and community input was used to develop and validate a health beliefs survey about AD risk reduction among 428 community-dwelling adults. Principal component analysis was performed to assess internal consistency. Linear regression was performed to identify key predictors of Willingness to engage in AD risk reduction behaviors.

Results: The measure as well as the individual scales (Benefits, Barriers, Severity, Susceptibility and Social Norm) were found to be internally consistent. Overall, as Benefits and Barriers scores increased, Willingness scores also increased. Those without prior AD experience or family history had lower willingness scores. Finally, we observed an interaction between age and norms, suggesting that social factors related to AD prevention may differentially affect people of different ages.

Conclusions: The Alzheimer Prevention Beliefs Measure provides assessment of several health belief factors related to AD prevention. Age, Family History, Logistical Barriers and total Benefits are significant determinants of willingness to engage in AD risk reduction behaviors, such as seeing a doctor or making a lifestyle change.

Alternate JournalJ Public Health (Oxf)
PubMed ID28069993
PubMed Central IDPMC6283396
Grant ListUL1 TR000457 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States

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