Hydrogen ion changes and contractile behavior in the perfused rat heart.

TitleHydrogen ion changes and contractile behavior in the perfused rat heart.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1975
AuthorsCingolani HE, Maas AJ, Zimmerman AN, Meijler FL
JournalEur J Cardiol
Date Published1975 Dec
KeywordsAcid-Base Equilibrium, Animals, Bicarbonates, Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen-Ion Concentration, Myocardial Contraction, Myocardium, Perfusion, Rats

The effect of acid-base alterations was analyzed using isolated rat hearts perfused at constant coronary perfusion pressure, and stimulated to contract at constant rat. The amount of shortening in the major axis and its derivative were measured to assess myocardial contractility. Both the 'respiratory' and 'metabolic' alterations affected the contractile behavior to the same extent. In the physiological range studied by us, acidosis depresses and alkalosis increases myocardial contraction. However acidosis seems to depress contractility more than the enhancement produced by the same change in pH towards the alkalotic side. When either amount of shortening or max dl/dt was plotted as a function of hydrogen ion acitvity (aH+) a linear correlation was obtained, either with pure 'metabolic' or 'respiratory' acid-base induced alterations (correlation coefficients higher than -.95; P less than .01). Our findings suggest that in the range studied by us, contraction of the perfused rat heart following acid-base alterations, is a linear function of hydrogen ion activity.

Alternate JournalEur J Cardiol
PubMed ID240

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