Incidence, Implications, and Management of Seizures Following Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke.

TitleIncidence, Implications, and Management of Seizures Following Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsDoria JW, Forgacs PB
JournalCurr Neurol Neurosci Rep
Date Published2019 05 27
KeywordsEpilepsy, Humans, Incidence, Intracranial Hemorrhages, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Seizures, Stroke

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In this review, we summarize the recent literature regarding the incidence and treatment of seizures arising after ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Additionally, we identify open questions in guidelines and standard clinical care to aid future studies aiming to improve management of seizures in post-stroke patients.

RECENT FINDINGS: Studies demonstrate an increasing prevalence of seizures following strokes, probably a consequence of advances in post-stroke management and expanding use of continuous EEG monitoring. Post-stroke seizures are associated with longer hospitalization and increased mortality; therefore, prevention and timely treatment of seizures are important. The standard of care is to treat recurrent seizures with anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) regardless of the etiology. However, there are no established guidelines currently for prophylactic use of AEDs following a stroke. The prevalence of post-stroke seizures is increasing. Further studies are needed to determine the risk factors for recurrent seizures and epilepsy after strokes and optimal treatment strategies.

Alternate JournalCurr Neurol Neurosci Rep
PubMed ID31134438
PubMed Central IDPMC6746168
Grant ListK23 NS096222 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States

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