A Neurology Clerkship Curriculum Using Video-Based Lectures and Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT).

TitleA Neurology Clerkship Curriculum Using Video-Based Lectures and Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT).
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDominguez M, DiCapua D, Leydon G, Loomis C, Longbrake EE, Schaefer SM, Becker KP, Detyniecki K, Gottschalk C, Salardini A, Encandela JA, Moeller JJ
Date Published2018 03 16
KeywordsClinical Clerkship, Curriculum, Humans, Inservice Training, Neurology, Teaching, Video Recording

Introduction: Just-in-time teaching is an educational strategy that involves tailoring in-session learning activities based on student performance in presession assessments. We implemented this strategy in a third-year neurology clerkship.

Methods: Linked to core neurology clerkship lectures, eight brief video-based lectures and knowledge assessments were developed. Students watched videos and completed multiple-choice questions, and results were provided to faculty, who were given the opportunity to adjust the in-person lecture accordingly. Feedback was obtained by surveys of students and faculty lecturers and from student focus groups and faculty. Student performance on the end-of-clerkship examination was analyzed.

Results: Between October 2016 and April 2017, 135 students participated in the curriculum, and 56 students (41.5%) responded to the surveys. Most students agreed or strongly agreed that the new curriculum enhanced their learning and promoted their sense of responsibility in learning the content. Faculty agreed that this pedagogy helped prepare students for class. Most students watched the entire video-based lecture, although there was a trend toward decreased audience retention with longer lectures. There were no significant changes in performance on the end-of-clerkship examination after implementation of just-in-time teaching. In focus groups, students emphasized the importance of tying just-in-time teaching activities to the lecture and providing video-based lectures well in advance of the lectures.

Discussion: Just-in-time teaching using video-based lectures is an acceptable and feasible method to augment learning during a neurology clinical clerkship. We believe this method could be used in other neurology clerkships with similar success.

Alternate JournalMedEdPORTAL
PubMed ID30800891
PubMed Central IDPMC6342385

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