Review of drug treatment for Down's syndrome persons.

TitleReview of drug treatment for Down's syndrome persons.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1976
AuthorsShare JB
JournalAm J Ment Defic
Date Published1976 Jan
Keywords5-Hydroxytryptophan, Amphetamines, Antipsychotic Agents, Behavior, Cell Transplantation, Cognition, Down Syndrome, Drug Evaluation, Enzyme Therapy, Glutamates, Humans, Minerals, Phenothiazines, Pituitary Hormones, Psychotropic Drugs, Research Design, Serotonin, Thyroid Hormones, Vitamins

A review of drug treatment for Down's syndrome individuals was presented. Drugs used to modify behavior, as well as drugs used with the goal of affecting cognitive processes, were discussed. Some observations were offered as to the effectiveness of past and current drugs on Down's syndrome and some methodological problems relating to drug studies presented. There have not been any drugs that have demonstrated remarkable improvement in the status of Down's syndrome individuals that have been widely accepted as effective.

Alternate JournalAm J Ment Defic
PubMed ID2011
Grant ListHERU1 / CSO_ / Chief Scientist Office / United Kingdom

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