Studies on the mechanism of the changes in serum and liver gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity. I. Experimental extrahepatic cholestasis in rabbits.

TitleStudies on the mechanism of the changes in serum and liver gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity. I. Experimental extrahepatic cholestasis in rabbits.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1976
AuthorsAdjarov D, Popov S, Ivanov E
Date Published1976
KeywordsAnimals, Bile Ducts, Catheterization, Cholestasis, gamma-Glutamyltransferase, Kidney, Ligation, Liver, Male, Rabbits, Ureter

Serum, liver and renal gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activities were studied in four groups of rabbits: controls, rabbits with obstructive extrahepatic cholestasis, rabbits with obstructive anuria, and animals with combined obstructive extrahepatic cholestasis and obstructive anuria. Serum GGT was essentially increased in rabbits with obstructive extrahepatic cholestasis, showing peak values in the combined cholestasis + obstructive anuria group, and practically normal values in animals with anuria. Liver GGT was increased in both cholestasis groups, but the increase was less prominent than the increase in serum GGT and there was no correlation between them. In both anuric groups renal GGT was reduced, probably as a result of inhibited enzyme synthesis secondary to the altered conditions for adequate renal function. The results obtained are suggestive of a probable renal involvement in the formation of the serum GGT activity level.

Alternate JournalEnzyme
PubMed ID232

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