Found 613 results
Harris W, Kaiser JH, Liao V, Avadhani R, Iadecola C, Falcone GJ, Sheth KN, Qureshi AI, Goldstein JN, Awad IA et al..  2024.  Association Between Hematoma Volume and Risk of Subsequent Ischemic Stroke: A MISTIE III and ATACH-2 Analysis.. Stroke.
Dicpinigaitis AJ, Seitz A, Berkin J, Al-Mufti F, Kamel H, Navi BBenjamin, Pawar A, White H, Liberman AL.  2024.  Association of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Stroke During Hospitalization for Delivery in the United States.. Stroke.
Wechsler PM, Pandya A, Parikh NS, Razzak JA, White H, Navi BB, Kamel H, Liberman AL.  2024.  Cost-Effectiveness of Increased Use of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After High-Risk Transient Ischemic Attack or Minor Stroke.. J Am Heart Assoc. :e032808.
Kaleem S, Harris WT, Oh S, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Current Challenges in Neurocritical Care: A Narrative Review.. World Neurosurg. 193:285-295.
Qing K, Alkhachroum A, Claassen J, Forgacs P, Schiff N.  2024.  The Electrographic Effects of Ketamine on Patients With Refractory Status Epilepticus After Cardiac Arrest: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort.. J Clin Neurophysiol.
Michaelson NMiriam, Langan D, Kaunzner U.  2024.  FLAIR-Hyperintense Lesions in Anti-MOG-Associated Encephalitis With Seizures (FLAMES).. Neurohospitalist. 14(2):222-223.
Song A, Safdieh JE, Robbins MS.  2024.  Group text messaging as a residency teaching tool in outpatient neurology and headache: A mixed-methods observational study.. Headache.
Feldman AM, Safdieh JE, Kass JS, Nascimento FA.  2024.  A Guide for Aspiring Neurology Educators.. Ann Neurol.
Michaelson NM, Rúa SH, Kaunzner UW, Marcille M, Pliska-Bloch I, Markowitz K, Nguyen TD, Gauthier SA.  2024.  Impact of paramagnetic rim lesions on disability and race in multiple sclerosis: mediation analysis.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Seitz A, Dicpinigaitis AJ, Zhang C, Miller EC, Navi BB, Liberman AL.  2024.  Ischemic events are infrequent in patients with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 34(1):108031.
Mears J, Kaleem S, Panchamia R, Kamel H, Tam C, Thalappillil R, Murthy S, Merkler AE, Zhang C, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Leveraging the Capabilities of AI: Novice Neurology-Trained Operators Performing Cardiac POCUS in Patients with Acute Brain Injury.. Neurocrit Care.
Diaz PG, Zolin AR, Tsiouris AJ, Mir S.  2024.  Palatal Myoclonus Due to Cortical Cavernous Malformation.. Neurology. 102(7):e209278.
Sehgal RR, Sarva H, Safdieh JE, Robbins MS.  2024.  Pearls and pitfalls in letters of recommendation for neurology residency applications.. J Neurol Sci. 459:122951.
Feldman A, Weaver J.  2024.  Pharmacologic and Nonpharmacologic Management of Neuropathic Pain.. Semin Neurol.
Parasram M, Loiseau SY, Subramaniam T, Dangayach NS, Sarwal A, Ch'ang JH.  2024.  Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Critical Care Ultrasound use Among Providers in Neurocritical Units: A National Survey.. Neurocrit Care.
Ishak A, Kamel H, Kaiser JH, Liao V, Rotblat J, Pawar A, Lappin R, Razzak J, White H, Ng C et al..  2024.  Rates of Acute Brain Injury Among Severely Hypertensive Patients Seen in the Emergency Department. The Neurohospitalist. 14(4)
Parasram M, Loiseau SY, Yoo AS, Stone JB, Ch'ang JH, Robbins MS.  2024.  A Resident-Created Multiple-Choice Question of the Week to Augment Case-Based Learning. Neurology Education. 3
Sarva H, Rodriguez-Porcel F, Rivera F, Gonzalez CDaniel, Barkan S, Tripathi S, Gatto E, Ruiz PGarcia.  2024.  The role of genetics in the treatment of dystonia with deep brain stimulation: Systematic review and Meta-analysis.. J Neurol Sci. 459:122970.
Zelikovich AS, Kaleem S, Kocharian G, Tata N, Seitz A, Merkler AE.  2024.  Teaching NeuroImage: Hemorrhagic Arachnoid Cyst.. Neurology. 103(9):e209931.