Found 613 results
Safdieh JE, Lee JI, Prasad L, Mulcare M, Eiss B, Kang Y.  2021.  Curricular response to COVID-19: real-time interactive telehealth experience (RITE) program.. Med Educ Online. 26(1):1918609.
Ontaneda D, Raza PC, Mahajan KR, Arnold DL, Dwyer MG, Gauthier SA, Greve DN, Harrison DM, Henry RG, Li DKB et al..  2021.  Deep grey matter injury in multiple sclerosis: a NAIMS consensus statement.. Brain. 144(7):1974-1984.
Harpe JM, Safdieh JE, Broner S, Strong G, Robbins MS.  2021.  The development of a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee in a neurology department and residency program.. J Neurol Sci. 428:117572.
Tozlu C, Jamison K, Gauthier SA, Kuceyeski A.  2021.  Dynamic Functional Connectivity Better Predicts Disability Than Structural and Static Functional Connectivity in People With Multiple Sclerosis.. Front Neurosci. 15:763966.
Lavette LE, Miller A, Rook B, London Z, Cook C, Merkler AE, Santini V, Ruff IMarie, Kraakevik J, Smith D et al..  2021.  Education Research: NeuroBytes: A New Rapid, High-Yield e-Learning Platform for Continuing Professional Development in Neurology.. Neurology. 97(8):393-400.
Michaelson NMiriam, Aaroe AElimar, Lewis SL, Safdieh JE.  2021.  Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Becoming an Editor-in-Chief.. Neurology.
Tozlu C, Jamison K, Gu Z, Gauthier SA, Kuceyeski A.  2021.  Estimated connectivity networks outperform observed connectivity networks when classifying people with multiple sclerosis into disability groups.. Neuroimage Clin. 32:102827.
Sweeney EM, Nguyen TD, Kuceyeski A, Ryan SM, Zhang S, Zexter L, Wang Y, Gauthier SA.  2021.  Estimation of Multiple Sclerosis lesion age on magnetic resonance imaging.. Neuroimage. 225:117451.
Niotis K, Saif N, Simonetto M, Wu X, Yan P, Lakis JP, Ariza IEstrada, Buckholz AP, Sharma N, Fink ME et al..  2021.  Feasibility of a Wearable Biosensor Device to Characterize Exercise and Sleep in Neurology Residents.. Expert Rev Med Devices.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Grieving Through the Process.. Acad Psychiatry.
Parasram M, Malhotra A, Yoo AS, Mir SA.  2021.  HaNDL Syndrome Presenting with Thunderclap Headache.. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2021:9925004.
Michaelson NMiriam.  2021.  Happy Birthday, Dear Patient.. Acad Psychiatry.
Kang Y, Pandya S, Zinger N, Michaelson N, Gauthier SA.  2021.  Longitudinal change in TSPO PET imaging in progressive multiple sclerosis.. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
Parasram M, Parikh NS, Merkler AE, Ch'ang JH, Navi BB, Kamel H, Zhang C, Murthy SB.  2021.  Long-Term Risk of Ischemic Stroke among Elderly Survivors of Non-Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.. Cerebrovasc Dis. :1-6.
Michaelson NMiriam, Lam T, Malhotra A, Schiff ND, MacGowan DJames Lysa.  2021.  Miller Fisher Syndrome Presenting After a Second Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccination in a Patient With Resolved COVID-19: A Case Report.. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 23(2):113-115.
Bruce SS, Kahan J, Huq T, Santillan A, Navi BB, Merkler AE, Parikh NS, Mir S, Schweitzer AD, Segal AZ.  2021.  Missed cerebrovascular events during prolonged sedation for COVID-19 pneumonia.. J Clin Neurosci. 86:180-183.
Perumal J, Balabanov R, Su R, Chang R, Balcer L, Galetta S, Campagnolo DI, Avila R, Lee L, Rutledge D et al..  2021.  Natalizumab in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A 4-Year, Open-Label Study.. Adv Ther. 38(7):3724-3742.
Milligan T, Cho T, Helms A, Khan J, Safdieh JE.  2021.  A national survey of Neurology Vice Chairs For Education.. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 212:107095.
Siegler JE, Boreskie PE, Strowd R, Rook R, Goss A, Al-Mufti F, Rossow B, Miller A, Chamberlain A, London Z et al..  2021.  Neurology podcast utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Neurol Sci.
Michaelson NMiriam, Schweitzer AD, J Chazen L, Robbins MS.  2021.  Online Resources to Boost Radiological Skills Among Trainees.. J Grad Med Educ. 13(1):22-25.
Sabayan B, Isaacson R, Rost N.  2021.  Opinion & Special Articles: Preventive Neurology: An Emerging Field Toward Brain Health.. Neurology.
Michaelson N, Malhotra A, Wang Z, Heier L, Tanji K, Wolfe S, Gupta A, MacGowan D.  2021.  Peripheral neurological complications during COVID-19: A single center experience.. J Neurol Sci. 434:120118.
Tripathi S, Michaelson NM, Segal A.  2021.  Persistent seropositivity in oophorectomy-resistant anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.. BMJ Case Rep. 14(9)
Akerele MI, Zein SA, Pandya S, Nikolopoulou A, Gauthier SA, Raj A, Henchcliffe C, P Mozley D, Karakatsanis NA, Gupta A et al..  2021.  Population-based input function for TSPO quantification and kinetic modeling with [C]-DPA-713.. EJNMMI Phys. 8(1):39.
Gewirtz AN, Gao V, Parauda SC, Robbins MS.  2021.  Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome.. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 25(3):19.