Found 605 results
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Kamel H, Merkler AE, Iadecola C, Gupta A, Navi BB.  2019.  Tailoring the Approach to Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Review.. JAMA Neurol. 76(7):855-861.
Chatterjee A, Merkler AE, Murthy SB, Burch JE, Chen ML, Gialdini G, Kamel H, Ballman KV, Navi BB.  2019.  Temporal Trends in the Use of Acute Recanalization Therapies for Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Cancer.. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 28(8):2255-2261.
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Chen MLin, Gupta A, Chatterjee A, Khazanova D, Dou E, Patel H, Gialdini G, Merkler AE, Navi BB, Kamel H.  2018.  Association Between Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms and Downstream Stroke.. Stroke. 49(9):2029-2033.
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